While most companies agree that digital marketing is important, a great deal of companies today still have not implemented a digital marketing strategy as part of their marketing plan or even their yearly budget. If this sounds like your business then you are likely making these two common marketing mistakes.



Search, social media and email marketing are all parts of a digital marketing strategy. Many companies are dabbling in digital marketing some effectively, but more often than not ineffectively.


Some companies are using digital advertising in house with Google AdWords, others are doing Search Engine Optimization, while many have a Facebook page, but all with no marketing strategy. Posting random pictures hoping to get people to share your page or hoping to make the next viral YouTube video is a long shot, but with a digital marketing strategy companies can get actual customers coming through doors or going to your website to spend money with your company.

Hand drawing production cycle

Hand drawing production cycle

If your company is one of the 50% that does some digital marketing, but has not developed a 2015 strategy/budget then you need to pay attention.

In this day and age where you can fast forward through television commercials, listen to your music without any advertisements and phone books and newspapers going to the wayside, digital marketing should become an essential part to your current marketing strategy. A mass majority of folks these days are getting their daily news on the Internet, from their Facebook feed, a news website or an app on their phones or iPads. So you have to be where your consumers are hanging out. Google AdWords, email marketing, search content marketing or a responsive website are a great start to a digital marketing strategy, but which or all do you pick? Should you spend more money on AdWords or emailing? You need a direction/goal to guide your company towards a successful digital campaign. This will help to navigate you through the different avenues of what is offered in digital media to what works for your specific company. Digital marketing strategy is not cookie cutter. What works for an auto shop down the street will not be the best marketing strategy for a clothing shop.

Plan for the future of your company by building and planning a digital marketing strategy today.

Visit again soon to read – A Practical Guide to Producing Your Digital Strategy