How You Can Use a Monthly Blog to Improve Your Website’s SEO

SEO Strategy & Monthly Blogs

If you are reading this, you probably want to bring more visitors to your website. Driving web traffic to your website does not usually happen by itself. To improve your search rankings, you need to understand how search engines work. Search engines use algorithms to match what people are looking for. Some algorithms use inbound links as well as outbound links. The search engines will assume that since the page is popular it must be high quality. Another way that search engines rank websites is through keywords.


It is important to focus on keywords, which are specific words or phrases that drive traffic to your website from people searching them. However, you want to be careful not add too many keywords so you can gain search rankings; this is called keyword stuffing. It will be obvious that you are trying too hard to add as many keywords as possible to boost your search rankings and the blog will be awkward to read. The search engines will pick up on keyword stuffing as well and lower your rankings or completely remove the website. Try using long-tail keywords instead. Long-tail keywords are phrases like the one that brought you here, for example, “How to drive traffic to a website.”

Inbound and Outbound Links

Another great way to boost search rankings is using inbound and outbound links. Inbound links point back to your website. Outbound links are links that lead to other sites from your website. Search engines use links to determine the popularity, legitimacy, and relevancy of your content.

Keyword Placement

In addition to inbound and outbound links, keyword placement is crucial for search engine rankings. Include the keywords in the title; this is most important as it is the first thing your readers will see and it will help them decide whether or not they should continue reading.

Content & Mobile Friendly

Ensuring to update the blog with fresh content and well-written articles is another way to drive traffic to your website. Make sure your blog is mobile friendly because more people use Google search engine on their smartphone than desktop and Google wants to make the web experience better for their users so they will favor mobile-friendly websites.

Contact SCM Marketing Solutions for all of your digital marketing needs. We can help you build an effective SEO strategy using inbound links, outbound links, and keywords that will deliver results.